
Shelley Wasatch Winterfeis - 2025

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Competition 016 - First Feis, Light Jig (U11)

11 competitors in this competition

PlaceDancer (School)
1245 - Morris, Hugh (Shelley School)
2221 - Merryweather, Janeen (Shelley School)
3317 - Ryan, Elliana (Scariff Locklier Leonelli School)
4225 - Shepherd, CeCelia (Wasatch Back Irish Dance)
5163 - McCain, Lucille (Shelley School)
6210 - Jones, Daphne (Shelley School)
HM119 - Stuart, Tillie (Taylor Nicole Academy of Irish Dance)
HM141 - Sherwin, Cora (Shelley School)
HM232 - Grohovena, Charlotte (Wasatch Back Irish Dance)
HM277 - Willmore, Kiora (Rise Academy)
HM342 - Ballard, Amelia (Shelley School)

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