
Western US Region Oireachtas - 2017

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Competition 1 - Oireachtas, Championship (22&O)

61 competitors in this competition

PlaceDancer (School)
142 - Snell, Emily (WQ) (McTeggart, Western U.S. Region)
235 - Dalton, Samantha (WQ) (Clan Rince School of Irish Dancing)
37 - Lohmeyer, Jasmine (WQ) (Malone Academy)
462 - Delvo, Danielle (WQ) (Scoil Rince Slieveloughane)
511 - White, Christina Jessica (WQ) (An Daire Academy)
625 - Rojas, Irene (WQ) (Clan Rince School of Irish Dancing)
729 - Shannon, Scott (WQ) (Cleary Irish Dance)
843 - Fogarty, Nora (WQ) (Brimhall Academy of Irish Dance)
98 - Deering, Anya (WQ) (Tamora School of Irish Dance)
1061 - Lemon, Chelsea (WQ) (Whelan Academy)
1140 - Gorwky, Maggie (Whelan Academy)
1248 - Fitzgerald, Katie (Wick School)
1364 - Plevel, Alexis (Maguire Academy of Irish Dance)
1456 - Sassone, Chelsea (Lyons Academy of Irish Dance)
1536 - Gilman, Marisa (Murray School)
1647 - Sherry, Meagan (Dillon Magh Adhair Academy)
1714 - deCampos-Stairiker, Lindsey (Murray School)
1844 - Ramsey, Brittany (Kelly School)
1931 - Meersman, Avery (Wick School)
2033 - Stone, Hannah (Reed School of Irish Dance)
2157 - Atkinson, Victoria (Malone Academy)
2230 - Goddard, Natalie (Malone Academy)
2318 - Floyd, Bridget (McKeever School of Irish Dance)
2420 - Mallon, Bride (Tamora School of Irish Dance)
2559 - Snell, Margaret (McTeggart, Western U.S. Region)
265 - Schupp, Katelyn (Fisher-McLeod School Of Irish Dance)
2745 - Klingel, Julie (Celtic Steps)
2837 - Figueroa, Berenise (Claddagh Western U.S.)
2924 - Kruell, Caitlin (Yeates Academy of Irish Dance, OR)
3023 - Luniewski, Catherine (The Greene Academy of Irish Dance)
3113 - Gelb, Andrea (Lyons Academy of Irish Dance)

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