
Shelley Wasatch Winterfeis - 2025

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Competition 115 - Beginner I, Reel (U9)

15 competitors in this competition

PlaceDancer (School)
1234 - Ragozzine, Leah (Wasatch Back Irish Dance)
2203 - Strand, Alexander (Scariff Locklier Leonelli School)
2334 - Brown , Ceridwen 'Wenny' (Killarney Irish Dance Company)
3111 - Reynolds, Hugh (Killarney Irish Dance Company)
3228 - Morris, Pearl (Shelley School)
4318 - Mills, Abigail (Shelley School)
5309 - Schwieger, Eliza (Harp Irish Dance Company)
6374 - Hutchings, Lillie (Shelley School)
HM181 - Stika, Everly (Shelley School)
HM194 - Roper, Kate (Taylor Nicole Academy of Irish Dance)
HM265 - Mohrman, Kendra (Shelley School)
HM284 - Otis, Annalynn (Shelley School)
HM343 - Mullins, Aislin (Shelley School)
HM353 - Hoffa, Helen (Harp Irish Dance Company)
HM375 - Pierce, Alice (Shelley School)

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