
John & Maureen Kennelly Memorial Feis - 2025

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Competition 128 - Beginner 1, St. Patricks Day (9&O)

19 competitors in this competition

PlaceDancer (School)
1138 - Cronin, Clara (Whelan Academy)
2334 - Collins, Grace (Healy School)
3326 - ELLIS, ARYA CATRIN (Murphy Irish Dancers)
4169 - Fannin, Madelyn (Healy School)
4278 - Seif, Sarah (Murphy Irish Dancers)
5224 - Jamison, Brennan (McGrath Irish Dancers, CA)
6228 - Betts, Kenneth (Kennelly School of Irish Dance)
7308 - Bardell, Elizabeth (Rohan Murphy Irish Dance Academy)
8143 - Graupera, Bridget (Kennelly School of Irish Dance)
8315 - Harvey, Anne (Murphy Irish Dancers)

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