
Western US Region Oireachtas - 2017

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Competition 85 - Oireachtas, Traditional Set (U11)

57 competitors in this competition

PlaceDancer (School)
143 - Battenfield, Mattea (Rose-Ritchie Academy of Irish Dance)
25 - Fegan, Caitlin (Whelan Academy)
335 - White, Karis (Bracken School)
423 - Larkin, Keira (Kennelly School of Irish Dance)
549 - Troxel, Caitlin (Greenway Academy, CA)
641 - Auman, Presley (Claddagh Western U.S.)
725 - Collier, Stella (The Greene Academy of Irish Dance)
828 - Flannagan, Clare (Bracken School)
939 - Creager, Delaney (Rose-Ritchie Academy of Irish Dance)
103 - DiFrancesco, Michelle (Rose-Ritchie Academy of Irish Dance)
1154 - Caldwell, Brooklyn (Greenway Academy, CA)
121 - Pattison, Marycora (Murphy Irish Dancers)
129 - Swanson, Greta (Malone Academy)
1415 - McGrath, Olivia (Malone Academy)
1522 - Watson, Madison (Cleary Irish Dance)
1645 - Hobart, Brylee (Fisher-McLeod School Of Irish Dance)
1737 - Donaldson, Gia (Claddagh Western U.S.)
1833 - Byrne, Grace (Claddagh Western U.S.)
1956 - West, Ellie (Scoil Rince Slieveloughane)
206 - MANNING, TARA (Kennelly School of Irish Dance)
2124 - Bell, Louisa (Lulu) (Scoil Rince Slieveloughane)
2217 - Catney, Ellie (Murphy Irish Dancers)
232 - Brickley, David (Butler-Fearon-O'Connor)
244 - Beeson, Elianna (Claddagh Western U.S.)
2444 - Gibson, Taylor (Greenway Academy, CA)
2640 - Velasco, Anna (Greenway Academy, CA)
2710 - Brown, Megan (Murphy Irish Dancers)
2853 - McElroy, Catie (Bracken School)
2942 - Dunbar, Megan (The Greene Academy of Irish Dance)

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