
Western US Region Oireachtas - 2017

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Competition 10 - Oireachtas, Championship (U13)

129 competitors in this competition

PlaceDancer (School)
139 - Reynolds, Grace (WMH) (Cleary Irish Dance)
2105 - O'Hare, Daragh (WQ) (Murray School)
364 - Watson, Erica (WQ) (Butler-Fearon-O'Connor)
4122 - Bennett, Chloe (WQ) (Celtic Steps)
5100 - Applegate, Hope (WQ) (Wick School)
65 - Gorman, Tamsyn (WQ) (Richens/Timm, Wyoming)
760 - Aubertin, Olivia (WQ) (Butler-Fearon-O'Connor)
87 - Rafford, Kate (WQ) (Bracken School)
930 - Burton, Zoe (WQ) (Celtic Steps)
1047 - Hoy, Mandy (WQ) (Wick School)
1120 - Barr, Dallan (WQ) (Claddagh Western U.S.)
1257 - Zietz, Audrey (WQ) (McTeggart, Western U.S. Region)
13102 - Henehan, Meghan (WQ) (Butler-Fearon-O'Connor)
1451 - DeGrazia, Sophia (WQ) (Claddagh Western U.S.)
15123 - Mosakowski, Taylor (WQ) (McTeggart, Western U.S. Region)
1628 - Hilgeman, Evelyn (WQ) (Malone Academy)
1711 - Hammond, Annie (WQ) (Dillon Magh Adhair Academy)
1886 - Bradley-McKinnon, Charlotte (Cleary Irish Dance)
1977 - Beerbower, Caroline (Celtic Irish Dance Academy)
20112 - Benade, Kate (Claddagh Western U.S.)
2118 - Brogan, Aoife (Yeates Academy of Irish Dance, OR)
2298 - Hobart, Adalyn (Fisher-McLeod School Of Irish Dance)
2373 - Young, Molly Kate (Yeates Academy of Irish Dance, OR)
24110 - Lehnert, Olivia (Cleary Irish Dance)
2566 - Belardi, Kelly (Celtic Irish Dance Academy)
2625 - Petrbokova, Marie (Comerford Washington)
2779 - Padilla, Clare (Celtic Steps)
28117 - Murphy, Clare (Aniar Academy of Irish Dance)
2981 - Donaldson, Ava (Claddagh Western U.S.)
3016 - Kajima, Sasha (Cleary Irish Dance)
3140 - Burnham, Natalie (Wick School)
3284 - Canady, Georgia (Brimhall Academy of Irish Dance)
3341 - Irwin, Bailee (Celtic Steps)
34113 - Seiler, Olivia (Heritage Irish Stepdancers)
3588 - Roberts, Bayley (Whelan Academy)
3690 - Blaine, Rachel (Wick School)
3793 - Cummings, Kathleen (Celtic Steps)
38126 - Reed, Ella (Celtic Steps)
3910 - Ainscough, Briar (Wick School)
4026 - Painter, Kendra (Tamora School of Irish Dance)
4144 - Ruley, Molly (Bracken School)
4221 - Olson, Avery (Richens/Timm, Wyoming)
4327 - Franssens, Brooke (Clan Rince School of Irish Dancing)
4476 - Swartz, Gracie (Maguire Academy of Irish Dance)
4575 - Harrington, Nina (Celtic Steps)
4633 - Balleweg, Maggie (Claddagh Western U.S.)
4749 - Andresen, Ryleigh (Butler-Fearon-O'Connor)
4865 - Donion, Alexa (Scoil Rince Slieveloughane)
4991 - Velasco, Megan (Clan Rince School of Irish Dancing)
5012 - Acker, Emma (McTeggart, Western U.S. Region)
5171 - Avram, Caroline (Celtic Steps)
522 - Houlihan, Masha (Healy School)
5334 - Sagert, Bridget (Aniar Academy of Irish Dance)
5494 - Merten, Elizabeth (Murray School)
5545 - Compton, Kennon (Aniar Academy of Irish Dance)
5635 - Ross, Jackie (Clan Rince School of Irish Dancing)
57111 - Brickley, Zoe (Butler-Fearon-O'Connor)
58128 - Barry, Shauna (Whelan Academy)
5987 - Day, Morgan (Celtic Steps)
6074 - Hague, Megan (Claddagh Western U.S.)
6162 - Gonzalez, Evelinn (Tamora School of Irish Dance)
6282 - Neinast, Sinead (Lyons Academy of Irish Dance)
63109 - Paternoster, Olive (Yeates Academy of Irish Dance, OR)
64108 - Pesce, Chiara (Wick School)
6523 - Baker, Brooke (Clan Rince School of Irish Dancing)

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