
Western US Region Oireachtas - 2017

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Competition 88 - Oireachtas, Traditional Set (U14)

20 competitors in this competition

PlaceDancer (School)
16 - Corrigan, Grace (Power Academy of Irish Dance)
210 - McNeil, Maura (Kelly School)
35 - McGrath, Madison (Malone Academy)
47 - Lehr, Trinity (Claddagh Western U.S.)
53 - Wilcox, Camille (Killarney Irish Dance Company)
611 - Perrycook, Andi (Scoil Rince Slieveloughane)
79 - Hanna, Danielle (Heritage Irish Stepdancers)
817 - Darcy, Catriona (Bracken School)
922 - Rice, Anja (McKeever School of Irish Dance)
104 - Conefrey, Michael Deane (Murphy Irish Dancers)

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