
West Coast Teachers Charity Feis - 2023

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Competition 126 - Beginner 1, Hard Jig (9&O)

12 competitors in this competition

PlaceDancer (School)
1166 - Langley, Abigail (Keenan School of Irish Dancing)
2140 - McConville, Sophia (Healy School)
3119 - Keenan, Rachel (Murphy Irish Dancers)
4280 - McCormick, Aislynn (Keenan School of Irish Dancing)
5269 - Lawson, Addy (Healy School)
6190 - O'Connell, Addison (Murphy Irish Dancers)
6237 - Howard, Natalie (The Greene Academy of Irish Dance)
6276 - Clancy, Eoin (Murphy Irish Dancers)

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