
Alter Ego Feis - 2024

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Competition 612PCS - Preliminary Champion, Soft Shoe (U12)

11 competitors in this competition

PlaceDancer (School)
1366 - Hintzelman, Abby (Glencastle Irish Dancers)
2332 - Kerns, Ansley (Magennis Academy of Irish Dance)
3147 - Cordeau, Gracelle (Magennis Academy of Irish Dance)
4352 - Legge, Erik (Magennis Academy of Irish Dance)
5263 - Spry, Keira (Finnegan Academy of Irish Dance - FL)
6120 - Rice, Signey (Scariff Locklier Leonelli School)
6380 - Howard, Riley (Scariff Locklier Leonelli School)

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