
Oregon State Championship Feis - 2023

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Competition 710S - Preliminary Champion, Soft Shoe (15&O)

16 competitors in this competition

PlaceDancer (School)
1197 - Barton, Elizabeth (Tara Academy of Irish Dance)
2159 - Phariss, Ingrid (Tara Academy of Irish Dance)
2190 - Hibbard, Catherine (Brimhall Academy of Irish Dance)
3121 - MacMillan, Sierra (Haley Prendergast School of Irish Dance)
3158 - Marlow, Jami (Tara Academy of Irish Dance)
3172 - Bell, Louisa (Lulu) (Haley Prendergast School of Irish Dance)
3297 - Grylewicz, Evasue (Yeates Academy of Irish Dance, OR)
3321 - Harkins, Sarah (Bell School of Irish Dance)

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