
Feis Results

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You can view results for FeisWorx feiseanna by clicking on a feis name below. You can use the drop down selection boxes to find feiseanna by region, year or name. All three search criteria are applied if you select more than one dropdown.

Feis (2025)
St Louis Winter FeisSt. Louis, MO (IDTANA - Middle America US)Feb 16
St Louis Irish Arts FeisSt. Louis, MO (IDTANA - Middle America US)Feb 14 to Feb 15
Clan Rince FeisSan Diego, CA (IDTANA - Western US)Feb 9
Celtic Junction Winter FeisSt Paul, MN (IDTANA - Middle America US)Feb 8 to Feb 9
San Diego Winter FeisSan Diego, CA (IDTANA - Western US)Feb 8
Shelley Wasatch WinterfeisDraper, UT (IDTANA - Western US)Feb 1
Florida State ChampionshipsSt. Petersburg, FL (IDTANA - Southern US)Jan 26
Feis DelmarSt. Petersburg, FL (IDTANA - Southern US)Jan 25
The North Coast FeisCleveland, OH (IDTANA - Middle America US)Jan 25
Jazz FeisKenner, LA (IDTANA - Southern US)Jan 19
Northwest WinterfeisPortland, OR (IDTANA - Western US)Jan 19
John & Maureen Kennelly Memorial FeisSan Francisco, CA (IDTANA - Western US)Jan 18 to Jan 19
Krewe of Eire FeisKenner, LA (IDTANA - Southern US)Jan 18
Portland New Year FeisPortland, OR (IDTANA - Western US)Jan 18

If you have ordered individual results from us and have not received them please contact us at results@feisworx.com.

Why don't you post results for figure competitions?...

Actually, we do post figure results when we tabulate a feis that uses team cards. When a feis uses individual number cards, we only know the name of one team member. We feel that it is unfair not to mention the names of the others on the team, so we don't publicize the results of the figures in this case. Using team cards allows us to track all team member names and we can give credit where it is due. In this case, we'll post the figure results.