A |
Acadamh Rince | Academy of Irish Music | Acosta School of Irish Music & Dance |
Aherne Sheehan School of Irish Dance | Aisling S.R. | An Daire Academy |
An Daire Academy, Idaho | Anam Cara Irish Dance School | Anam Mor |
Anderson-Dunn Academy | Aniar Academy of Irish Dance | Anne-Marie Cunningham School, Montana |
Antrim Academy | Aranmore Academy of Irish Dance | Ardaigh Suas Academy |
Ardan Academy | Ardmore Academy | Armstrong Irish Dance Academy |
Armstrong School of Dancing, Belfast | Aroon Academy of Irish Dance | Ashden School of Irish Dance |
Ashurst Academy of Irish Dance | Avoca Irish Dance Academy | |
B |
Baile Glas Irish Dancers | Beglan Academy | Bell School of Irish Dance |
Bellator Academy of Irish Dance | Bilton Academy of Irish Dancing | Black Rose Academy of Irish Dance |
Blackbird Academy of Irish Dance | Blackthorn Academy of Irish Dance | Blakey O'Brien, Calgary |
Blakey School - Invermere | Blakey School - Okanagan | Blakey School - Saskatoon |
Blanchette School of Irish Dance | Blinch Irish Dance Company | Bluegrass Ceili Academy |
Boyle Irish Dance Academy, CA | Boyle School of Irish Dance, VA | Bracken School |
Bradigan Irish Dance | Brady Academy of Irish Dance, Calgary | Brady Academy of Irish Dance, Edmonton |
Brady Academy of Irish Dance, Ft McMurra | Brady Academy of Irish Dance, MA | Brady Academy of Irish Dance, Prince Alb |
Brady Academy of Irish Dance, Regina | Brady Academy of Irish Dance, Saskatoon | Brady Academy of Irish Dance, Winnipeg |
Brady-Campbell School | Bratten School | Breffni Academy - South Florida |
Bremer School of Irish Dance | Brennan-Lucey Irish Dance Academy | Brightburn Academy of Irish Dance |
Brosnan School of Irish Dance | Burke Connolly Academy of Irish Dance | Burke, Ohio |
Burke-Conroy School of Irish Dance | Butler Academy of Traditional Irish Danc | Butler School of Irish Dance |
C |
Cairdeas Academy | Caitrin Academy of Irish Dance | Campbell Academy, PA |
Cannon School of Irish Dance | Carey Academy, Birmingham | Carey Academy, USA |
Carle School | Carney Academy, MA | Carpenter Academy of Irish Dance |
Carroll-Henderson School of Irish Dance | Casey O'Loughlin Academy of Irish Dance | Cashel Academy of Irish Dance |
Cass-Barrington Academy of Irish Dance | Cassidy-Mallon Irish Dancers | Cassin Academy of Irish Dance |
Celtic Academy of Irish Dance, OH | Celtic Irish Dance Academy | Celtic Steps |
Celtica Dance Academy | Central Florida Irish Dance | Champagne Academy of Irish Dance |
Chicago Academy of Irish Dance | Chicago Irish Dance Studio | Ciara Greene School of Irish Dance |
Claddagh School, England | Claddagh Western U.S. | Clan na hEireann Irish Dance |
Clan Rince Irish Dance | Clann Lir Academy | Clann na Cara, Buffalo, NY |
Clarkson School | Cleary Irish Dance | Clifden Academy |
Club Ceili Naomh Padraig | Coleman Academy of Irish Dance | Comerford Alaska |
Comerford California | Comerford Olympia | Comerford Oregon |
Comerford Utah | Comerford Vancouver | Comerford Washington |
Connick School | Connolly Academy of Irish Dance | |
c |
corda mor irish dance | | |
C |
Coshquin School of Irish Dance, Mexico | Coyle School of Irish Dance, USA | Crane Irish Dance |
Craoi na Tire Studio of Irish Dance | Cregan O'Brien | Cronin School of Irish Dance |
Cross Keys | Crossbane School of Irish Dance | Cru Capaill Academy of Irish Dance |
Culkin School of Traditional Irish Dance | Cullen Academy of Irish Dance, UK | Cumascaigh School of Irish Dance |
Cunniffe Academy | Curran School of Irish Dance | |
D |
D'Arcy School of Irish Dance | Damhsa Onorach | Davis Academy of Irish Dance, New Jersey |
De Barra Academy | De Menezes Academy of Irish Dance | Dennehy-Mayer School of Irish Dance |
Desmond School of Irish Dance | Diaga Irish Dance | Dillon-Gavin |
District Irish Dance Academy | Do Cairde School of Irish Dance | Doherty Academy |
Doherty Petri School | Donna Means School | Donny Golden School |
Dowds Irish Dance Academy | Doyle Academy of Irish Dance | Doyle-Corrigan Academy of Irish Dance |
Drake School - Mexico | Drake, Southern USA | Driscoll School |
Drumcliffe | Dudney School of Irish Dance | Duffin Murphy School of Irish Dance |
Duffy Travis King Academy | Dunleavy Boyle Academy of Irish | Dunleavy Irish Dance |
Dwyer School of Irish Dance | | |
E |
Edmonton Ceili Dancers Association | Egan Irish Dance School, Ohio | Egan School, Baltimore |
Eilis Academy of Irish Dance | Eimir Ni Mhaoileidigh | Endean Academy of Irish Dance |
Erickson Academy | | |
F |
Farrell School | Farrell-Martin School of Irish Dance | Farrelly School of Irish Dancing |
Finnegan School of Irish Dance | Fisher-McLeod School Of Irish Dance | Fitzpatrick Academy of Irish Dance |
Fitzpatrick School of Irish Dance, IL | Flanagan-O'Hare School, Florida | Flanagan-O'Hare School, Michigan |
Flannery | Foley Academy of Irish Dance | Foy |
G |
Gaelic Origins Irish Dance | Gilleoghan Irish Dance | Glencastle Irish Dancers |
Goggin-Stewart School of Irish Dance | Golden Harp Irish Dance Company | Golding Academy of Movement and Dance |
Goodwin Academy | Gott-Hughton Irish Dance Academy | Goulding School |
Grafton Street Academy | Graham Academy of Irish Dance | Graham School of Irish Dancing |
Grainne Feely | Gray Gillan Owens | Gray School, CT |
GrĂ¡ na Rince Academy of Irish Dance | Greene School, Nova Scotia | Greenway Academy of Irish Dance, MA |
Greenway Academy, Camarillo, CA | Griffith Academy | |
H |
Haley Prendergast School of Irish Dance | Halloran School Of Dance, Sydney | Hamilton School of Irish Dance |
Hannon Murphy | Hansen-Keohane School | Haran School of Irish Dance |
Harney Academy of Irish Dance | Harney Pender Keady, CT | Harp Irish Dance Company |
Harper-Kirk Academy | Harris-Grieco Academy of Irish Dance | Healy School |
Heartland Irish Dancers | Heavey-Quinn Academy | Hendricks School of Irish Dance |
Hendry Sylvester McNamara | Heritage Irish Stepdancers | Hester Academy of Irish Dance |
Hibernia | Higgins School | Hill Irish Dance School |
Hogan Irish Dance Academy, Illinois | Hogan School of Irish Dance | Hooley School of Irish Dance |
Horgan Academy of Irish Dance | Houston Academy of Irish Dance | Hudson Irish Dance Academy |
Hughes-Farrelly School of Irish Dance | Hunt School, Maryland | Hurley School of Irish Dance |
I |
Inis Acla, TN | Inis Cairde School of Irish Dance | Inishfree School of Irish Dance, TX |
Inishfree USA | Irish Dancing de Mexico | Irwin Academy of Irish Dance |
Irwin School of Irish Dancing | | |
J |
Jackie Flynn Academy of Irish Dance | Jackson Irish Dancers | Jean Davis Academy |
Johnson Dance | Johnston School of Irish Dance | |
K |
Kanaley School of Irish Dance | Kara Zerby Irish Dance | Kathleen O'Keefe School of Irish Dance |
Kavanagh Porter Academy | Keane O'Brien Academy of Irish Dance | Keenan School of Irish Dancing |
Kelly Academy of Irish Dance, Florida | Kelly Gallagher Irish Dance, N. Carolina | Kelly School of Irish Dance, RI |
Kelly School, CA | Kelly School, Ontario | Kelly-Oster |
Kildare Academy of Irish Dance | Killarney Irish Dance Company | Killeen-McCarthy School of Irish Dance |
Kilpatrick Irish Dance School | King-O'Sullivan School of Irish Dance | Kinlough Academy of Irish Dance |
Kinsella Academy | Knock O'Hogan Irish Dance | Knock School of Irish Dance, GP |
Kristin Butke Irish Dance | Kristin Butke School, OK | |
L |
Lavin Cassidy School of Irish Dancing | Lenahan School of Irish Dance | Leneghan Academy of Irish Dance |
Lismore Academy of Irish Dance | Lynagh Studio of Irish Dancing, Brisbane | Lynn Academy of Irish Dance |
Lyons Academy of Irish Dance | | |
M |
MacConmara Academy | Maccrossan School of Irish Dance | Mactir Academy of Irish Dance |
MacVoy School of Irish Dance | Magennis Academy of Irish Dance | Maguire Academy of Irish Dance |
Maiden Street Irish Dance Academy | Malone Academy | Maple Academy of Irish Dance |
Mattierin School of Irish Dancing | Maureen Onesti School of Irish Dancing - | McAleer - Paulson |
McArdle School | McBride School of Irish Dance | McCafferty Academy of Irish Dance |
McCarron Schhol of Irish Dance, Birmingh | McCarthy Academy of Irish Dance | McCarthy School |
McCartney Irish Dance | McClanahan | McCormack Fay Academy |
McCormack School | McCormick School of Irish Dance | McCoy School of Irish Dance |
McDade-Cara School | McDonnell School of Irish Dance | McDonough-Grimes Irish Dance |
McElhatton School of Irish Dancing | McElligott School of Irish Dance | McFadden Academy of Irish Dance |
McGing Irish Dancers | McGinley Academy, Eastern Canada/So USA | McGonagle School |
McGough Academy | McGrath Irish Dancers, CA | McGrath Morgan Academy |
McHale School | McHugh School of Irish Dance | McKeever School of Irish Dance |
McLane School of Irish Dance | McLeary School of Irish Dance | McMenamin Irish Dance Academy |
McNamara McCarthy School of Irish Dance | McNulty School of Irish Dance | McNulty School Of Irish Dance, LA |
McTeggart, Houston | McTeggart, Kentucky | McTeggart, Louisiana |
McTeggart, North Texas | McTeggart, Oklahoma | McTeggart, Western U.S. Region |
Meghan Torno School of Irish Dance | Michael Dillon School of Irish Dancing | Michael Farrell School of Irish Dance |
Michael Patrick Gallagher School | Michaela Hinds Academy | Millennium Academy of Irish Dance |
Millennium School of Irish Dance | Miller School of Irish Dance, Ontario | Milwaukee Irish Dance |
Mise Eire Irish Dancers | MJP Academy of Irish Dance | Morgan Legacy School |
Moriarty Lukyanova Dance Academy | Mountain Eire Irish Dance School | MSD Irish Dance Academy |
Muggivan School of Irish Dance | Mulcahy Academy of Irish Dance | Mullan Academy |
Mullane Godley Academy | Mulligan School of Irish Step Dance | Murphy Academy, MA |
Murphy Irish Dancers | Murray Academy | Murray School |
N |
Nashville Irish Step Dancers | Nevin Academy of Irish Dance | Niall O'Leary School |
O |
O'Brien School of Irish Dance | O'Brien School of Irish Dance (Duncan) | O'Brien School of Irish Dance (Ladner) |
O'Brien School of Irish Dance, Duncan | O'Connor School of Irish Dance | O'Connor School of Irish Dance, Baltimor |
O'Connor School of Irish Dance, BC | O'Connor-Kennedy Academy | O'Donovan School of Irish Dance |
O'Faolain Academy of Irish Dance | O'Grady Quinlan Academy | O'Hara School of Irish Dance |
O'Hare School of Irish Dance, MI | O'Kennedy-Holland Irish Dance Academy | O'Malley Irish Dance Academy |
O'Maoileidigh | O'Neill-James School of Irish Dancing | O'Reilly Academy, England/Ireland |
O'Riada-Manning Academy | O'Riain Academy | O'Riain Academy of Irish Dance |
O'Rourke Academy of Irish Dancing | O'Shea Irish Dance | O'Shea Irish Dance, Montana |
O'Shea, Dublin | O'Sullivan Academy, Buffalo | O'Sullivan School, NY |
O'Toole School | Oliver Academy of Irish Dance | Onorach Mulhern Geraghty School of Iris |
P |
Paloma School of Irish Dance | Penk-O'Donnell | Peter Smith School |
Petri | Petrocelli Academy Irish Dance | Phoenix Irish Dance Academy |
Pomeroy Academy of Irish Dance | Portland Irish Dance Academy | Possak Hampshire Academy of Irish Dance |
Power Academy of Irish Dance | Prairie Gael School of Irish Dance | Prince Albert Irish Dance Academy |
Proto-Casano School Of Irish Dance | | |
Q |
Quinn School of Irish Dance | | |
R |
Rankin Holland | Reed School of Irish Dance | Regent Academy of Irish Dance |
Rhodes Academy of Irish Dance | Rhythm of Ireland | Richens-Timm, Indiana |
Richens-Timm, Ohio | Rince Arkansas Academy of Irish Dance | Rince Go Brach Academy of Irish Dance |
Rince na Gra School of Irish Dance | Rince Na Sonas, Syracuse | Rince Na Tiarna |
Rise Academy | Rising Tide Irish Dance Academy | River City School of Irish Dance |
Roberts Academy, Australia | Rochez Academy | Rogers School of Irish Dance |
Rohan Murphy Irish Dance Academy | Rondeau School of Irish Dancing | Rose Academy of Irish Dance |
Rose Courtney Academy of Irish Dance | Rowena Ryan Irish Dance Academy | Ryan Kilcoyne School of Irish Dance |
Ryan School of Irish Dance | | |
S |
S.R. Ni Riada | Sabo School of Irish Dance | Saol Academy of Irish Dance |
Sarah Clark Academy, Paris, France | Saskatoon Academy of Irish Dance | Scariff Locklier Leonelli School |
Schade | Scoil Rince Aisling | Scoil Rince an Chroi |
Scoil Rince Daryl Rose | Scoil Rince De Danaan | Scoil Rince Luimni |
Scoil Rince Mahoney | Scoil Rince na hEasan | Scoil Rince Ni Bhraonain |
Scoil Rince Ni Dubhthaigh | Scoil Rince Riordan | Scoil Rince Sorcha Francis, Ireland |
Scott-Ellis School of Irish Dance | Shamrock Quirke School of Irish Dance | Shamrock School of Irish Step Dance |
Shandon-O'Regan Irish Dance Academy | Sharon Lynn's Celtic Crown | Shea-Jennings |
Sheahan-Gormley School of Irish Dance | Sheeaun Academy | Sheila Tully Academy |
Shelley School | Shovlin Academy of Irish Dance | Simpson Academy of Irish Dance, Australi |
Siobhan Moore School of Irish Dance | Sionnaine Irish Dance Academy | Slattery School of Irish Dance |
Smith Irish Dance | Smith-Houlihan Academy - New England | St. Louis Irish Arts |
Stanford School of Irish Dance | Steel School of Irish Dance | Stewart School of Irish Dance |
Sullivan School of Irish Dance | Sullivan-Stewart School of Irish Dance | SunHills Irish Dance Academy |
Sweeney McAvinchey, Germany | | |
T |
Tamora School of Irish Dance | Tara Academy of Irish Dance | Taylor Academy of Irish Dance |
Taylor Nicole Academy of Irish Dance | Teelin School of Irish Dance | The Academy |
The Academy, Birmingham | The Clark Academy of Irish Dance | The Goode Academy |
The Greene Academy of Irish Dance | The Lancaster School of Irish Dancing | The Shamrock School of Irish Dance - CT |
The Woodgate-Shamrock Academy | Thistle Academy of Irish Dance | Thompson School |
Tiernan Irish Dancers, Boise | Tiernan Irish Dancers, Butte | Tiernan Irish Dancers, Helena |
Tir na Greine | Tir Na Nog Dance Academy | Toal School of Irish Dance |
Tooromeen School of Irish Dance | Triggle Academy of Irish Dance | Trinity Academy of Irish Dance |
Turco School of Irish Dance | | |
U |
Ulmer School of Irish Dancing | | |
V |
Victoria School of Irish Dance | | |
W |
Walker Academy | Walsh Kelley School | Warnock-Seery School of Irish Dance |
Wasatch Back Irish Dance | Watt School | Watters, Florida |
Whelan Academy | Wick-Hegarty School of Irish Dance | Wilson Bryson Dennis School of Irish Dan |
World Academy | | |
Y |
Yeates Academy of Irish Dance, CA | Yeates Academy of Irish Dance, OR | Young Academy of Irish Dance |
Yvonne Kelly Dance Academy | | |
If your school isn't listed, and you want it to be, please drop us a note
with your school name, state and website address.