
Western US Region Oireachtas - 2024

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Not Paid*
Total Potential
An Daire Academy16016
Aniar Academy of Irish Dance11011
Avoca Irish Dance Academy21021
Blackthorn Academy of Irish Dance202
Blakey O'Brien101
Boyle Irish Dance Academy, CA18018
Bracken School12012
Brightburn Academy of Irish Dance14014
Brosnan School of Irish Dance10010
Carroll-Henderson School of Irish Dance23023
Celtic Irish Dance Academy27027
Celtic Steps95095
Claddagh Western U.S.18018
Clan Rince Irish Dance 49049
Cleary Irish Dance48048
Comerford Washington808
Connolly Academy of Irish Dance21021
corda mor irish dance202
De Barra Academy15015
Doherty Petri School23023
Fisher-McLeod School Of Irish Dance14014
Grafton Street Academy14014
Greenway Academy, Camarillo, CA10010
Haley Prendergast School of Irish Dance32032
Haran School of Irish Dance808
Harp Irish Dance Company42042
Healy School18018
Heritage Irish Stepdancers28028
Jackie Flynn Academy of Irish Dance34034
Kavanagh Porter Academy25025
Keenan School of Irish Dancing22022
Kelly School, CA20020
Kennelly School of Irish Dance29029
Killarney Irish Dance Company37037
Lyons Academy of Irish Dance31031
Maguire Academy of Irish Dance17017
Malone Academy21021
McBride School of Irish Dance15015
McGrath Irish Dancers, CA808
McKeever School of Irish Dance41041
McNulty School Of Irish Dance, LA13013
McTeggart, Western U.S. Region42042
Michael Patrick Gallagher School52052
MSD Irish Dance Academy202
Murphy Irish Dancers29029
Murray School303
O'Connor School of Irish Dance202
O'Connor-Kennedy Academy27027
O'Shaughnessy Academy of Irish Dance404
O'Shea Irish Dance, Montana101
Power Academy of Irish Dance202
Reed School of Irish Dance606
Rise Academy808
Rochester Academy of Irish Dance101
Rohan Murphy Irish Dance Academy29029
Rose Academy of Irish Dance37037
Rose Courtney Academy of Irish Dance707
S.R. Ni Riada25025
Scariff Locklier Leonelli School16016
Scoil Rince Daryl Rose404
Shelley School44044
Steel School of Irish Dance404
Tamora School of Irish Dance16016
Tara Academy of Irish Dance47047
The Greene Academy of Irish Dance29029
Thistle Academy of Irish Dance404
Tiernan Irish Dancers, Helena202
Wasatch Back Irish Dance909
Whelan Academy27027
Yeates Academy of Irish Dance, OR19019

* Unpaid registrations will be dropped before the feis

Waitlisted competitors are not included in these counts